David Ball was a senior on the BYU tennis team when, on March 12, 2020, his twenty year tennis career came to a screeching halt due to COVID-19. As he talked to athletes around the country, it pained him to hear that so many athletes would not get the closure or recognition they deserved with such an abrupt ending to their seasons. These athletes stories were powerful and inspiring.
With the help of some amazing individuals, Untold Athletes was found as a way to share the inspiring stories of athletes who lost their seasons to COVID-19. Since then, Untold Athletes has expanded to sharing all athletes stories, regardless of competition level. Untold Athletes is committed to telling the stories that haven’t been told, and to giving a voice to athletes that are not always represented. We have been overwhelmed and uplifted at the strength of the sports community and look forward to sharing more stories.
To celebrate and empower athletes, inspire readers, and amplify voices through storytelling.
To unlock the world-changing potential of sports and create safe spaces for athletes to feel heard and accepted.

We champion athletes of all backgrounds, race, religion, sexual orientation, and age.
We are one. Just as sports bring people together, our platform is a place for athletes to inspire, support, and learn from one another. As a team, we treat each other as family and celebrate each other’s successes.
We welcome stories from all those willing to share, and we recognize each individual’s truth as their own.
We aim to equip the next generation with the vision and tools to continue in the powerful path set by the athletes who came before them.